“La rivista di Arablit” is a scientific journal founded in 2011 by Isabella Camera d’Afflitto, full professor of Modern and Contemporary Arabic Literature at Sapienza University of Rome.
The journal is published by the Istituto per l’Oriente “Carlo Alfonso Nallino” of Rome. Since its foundation, “La rivista di Arablit” is under the patronage of the Department “Italian Institute of Oriental Studies – ISO” of Sapienza University of Rome.
“La rivista di Arablit” is specialized in the study of modern Arabic literature, covering mainly the period from the nahḍah to the present. It accepts papers dealing with other domains of Arabic culture, ranging from historical and political fields to critical discourse analysis and political discourse analysis. Moreover, it also accepts papers of interdisciplinary nature related to linguistic and literary research, comparative studies, music, and visual arts in the Arab world.
Founded as an online journal, it has been published also in paper format and distributed by Libreria Aseq since the issue n. 11 of June 2016. The journal has a six-monthly periodicity and publishes articles in Italian, French, English and Spanish.
The Scientific Committee of “La rivista di Arablit” is composed of scholars with renowned academic, international experience. The Editorial Committee comprises academic personnel from Italian universities.
The Scientific and Editorial Committees changed over the years. These variations are reported on the journal website, in the “Archive of the Scientific and Editorial Committees” section.
The articles are submitted to double-blind peer review process. “La rivista di Arablit” publishes also book reviews, conference reports, and article reviews.
Authors and reviewers should comply with the journal publication ethics, on the basis of the principles established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), available below in this page.
On 30-12-2016 “La rivista di Arablit” (paper) was registered at the Press Register at the Court of Rome Press and Information Section (no. 245/2016).
On 30-12-2016 “La rivista di Arablit” (online) was registered at the Press Register at the Court of Rome Press and Information Section (no. 246/2016).