ISSN: 0030-5472
e-ISSN: 2213-8617
Publishing ethics
The Editor-in-Chief and the Editorial Board of Oriente Moderno (OM) are the only responsible for the decision to publish the articles submitted.
Submitted articles will be reviewed by at least two anonymous experts. Acceptance is subject to a positive assessment by the reviewers; authors could be asked to amend their articles according to the reviewers' suggestions.
Articles will be avaluated on the basis of their scientific content only, with no discrimination of any kind.
In case the OM Editors and Editorial Board notice mistakes, inaccuracies or plagiarism in an article, they will wam the Author and the Puplisher and undertake the actions they deem fit to resolve the issue.
Authors must follow the Guidelines of OM. Submitted articles must be original in all their parts: they must not have been published in nor submitted to other journals. All works consulted must be properly quoted by Authors.
Form for referees (doc format) (pdf format)
The Journal adopts the double-blind peer review evaluation system.
The Journal Oriente Moderno, which was founded in 1921 by Carlo Alfonso Nallino and edited by him until his death in 1938, had later two of the most famous scholars of the Islamic world as its editors: Ettore Rossi (who connected with the Istituto the present Fund of Turkish studies, that bears his name) and Paolo Minganti. Its Comitato Scientifico (Editorial Board) and its Comitato di Redazione (Editorial Staff) are composed of university professors and researchers from several Italian and foreign universities. Oriente Moderno publishes:
* Scientific articles concerning all aspects of the political, social, literary, artistic and cultural life, in particular of the contemporary Near and Middle East(from (7,500 to 10,ooo words) ;
* Documents in translation (texts of Constitutions, treaties, declarations of particular political interest);
* Graphic and photographic documentation;
* News about the research in Italy in the fields of Arabic, Islamic, Iranian and Turkish studies;
* Reviews of works about Oriental studies.
The Journal publishes in Italian, English, French, Spanish, German, Arabic, Turkish and Persian.
The author of the material published in Oriente Moderno transfers the copyright to Istituto per l’Oriente C. A. Nallino, which can provide for its reproduction and its sale online.
From 2013, Oriente Moderno is printed and distributed by Brill of Leiden (www.brill.com).
Since 1995, the Editor of the Journal is Prof. Claudio Lo Jacono.
The Journal is on JSTOR.
Oriente Moderno is abstracted/indexed in: Index Islamicus, Scopus, MLA International Bibliography, Dietrich's Index Philosophicus, IBZ ‒ Internationale Bibliographie der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaftlichen Zeitschriftenliteratur, Internationale Bibliographie der Rezensionen Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaftlicher Literatur, International Political Science Abstract Database, Middle Eastern & Central Asian Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences Bibliographies, International Political Science Abstracts Database, Linguistic Bibliography.
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